Tuesday, May 04, 2010

You’d Rather Plan, Do, Check, Act than Do, Do, Do, Act

Plan your work and work your plan. Quality is job one. Sometimes these things don't come to fruition. Sometimes you are left alone to do everything, no time to plan or to check your work. When the work is checked, it results in another "Do" cycle and you are randomized while in the process of doing another key thing. You can get out of this spiral but only if you have help and process.

On the process side, if you REFUSE to work until there is a plan that is one way. If you INSIST to not start the next thing until the previous one is done, you will help yourself. But these things aren't always possible. Insist that people get into a reasonable cycle and care about the project/process overall. It has to be fair or it will never succeed.

On the help side, you can get help. You need at least one other person to PLAN WITH and you need people to give the customers time while they CHECK. And you need to be given the chance to plan and act on what was checked.

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