Monday, May 24, 2010

Keeping the Baseball Book

When I was on the varsity baseball team I spent a lot of time as the "book keeper" because I was not good enough to be playing. I got REALLY GOOD at keeping book in fact. That's probably how bad I was at baseball.

I was doing programming working on my project for the customer today and thinking about some of the conventions and practices I am following on it—from coding standards to the way I format the font and release notes when I share the product with the client—and was reminded of how I used to keep the book. I used to be VERY anal about how I would keep the book and I would not let some of my teammates keep the book. Even they adopted my conventions and followed them. I heard years later that my format of book keeping on the baseball is still in tact; it's called "Veal book" and the team regulates it.

The goal in any business is to be consistent and let others see your quality ways through the conventions in your products. Be good and careful with your products. Put on fit-and-finish. It shows through.

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