Monday, May 10, 2010

Be the guy that *is* the bottleneck

At work you're in a much better position if you are the guy that *is* the bottleneck than if you're the guy that *creates* the bottlenecks. Don't be the latter. You'd hate to be the guy that makes things slow or inefficient in the system through his actions in/on the system, tasks, and people. We all have limited bandwidth but don't be the guy that creates limited bandwidth in others. If you are this guy, question your policies, actions, and practices and determine what you can do to empower others and the system to be their/its best. Facilitate the production of the system; don't insist that you create it yourself. Be responsible for creating both the product and the process! The system (in my opinion) is intended to be created by/for the people, not something to be imposed upon or forced upon them.

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