Friday, April 20, 2012

Do two things: add value and sell

Doing two things, even doing one, is hard sometimes.
But it's required.
As contributors to the world I believe we have to do two very basic things to be effective and successful.  Some of us are good at none of these, some are good at just one, and there are a few (possibly lucky?) others out there who can do both.  Those two things are 1) adding value and 2) selling.

Adding value is about doing things that make peoples' lives and businesses richer.  In order to add value we have to know our audience, know our customer, and know ourselves, then choose to do something that is both reasonably interesting and unique to make a difference.  Adding value can be a very high bar and our audiences can be very picky: they don't always laugh, care, or buy.

Selling is all about the spit and polish we put on the value.  Selling is the sizzle on the steak.  Selling is having the guts and courage to do what we think we need to do and doing it.  Selling is about being steadfast, dominating, persistent and controlling.  We don't want to overdo it on selling but we can't add enough value.

Selling and adding value are required to be successful in life and business and for many of us it is a daily struggle to do both...or even just one.

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