Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Training Product Owners Is Challenging

Customers can be difficult of course. I say this because many people might not know what they want or how to get there and your job as a software development consultant or team leader is to communicate with this person as effectively as you can and give them products that they can use in THEIR processes. Some core skills and lessons that you need to teach the product owner (whoever he or she may be are): 1) software development is difficult 2) there is uncertainty in how the solution will be exactly created and knowing what exactly will come out is a minute-by-minute problem for a software developer or leader 3) estimating when you'll be done is difficult 4) there exists a process of continuous improvement and improvement of the customer relationship. That process referenced in #4 is YOU!!!

Waterfall doesn't work a lot of but it's fine to have frameworks and principles that you follow. CMMi, Six Sigma, Agile, PMBOK, MVC, etc. They all matter. In the end, something has to get done and agile is a way of breaking up the problem FROM THE BEGINNING about what needs to be done next. What's the risk? What's the priority? Can we do it? When do you need it? Removing as many of these impediments as is possible as fast as you can is the way!

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