Friday, February 05, 2010

Back-to-Front vs. Front-to-Back Systems Design

We all think in models and our computers allow us to build models, so of course use them, right? It would be ideal to have a model of our system that we instantiate. We draw something or configure something and a system comes into existence. That's the basic practice of development but it's much different and far more iterative going from front to back and back to front. Writing code is a sometimes aggravating process as you validate your coding concepts against your mental model of the ideal (or good enough) solution. The Model-View-Controller pattern is very popular these days with Ruby on Rails and ASP.NET MVC. These solutions allow developers to pass data between the layers and control how things are presented. There's a flow they have in mind and that's a really handy tool! I'm building a Silverlight UI right now and I'm preparing the underlying data model for on-screen display. SOMEHOW I have to sync up the back end with the controls and intended user scenarios in the front end. That's tricky. I've been working from back to front but now I'm having to go from front to back. Somehow these worlds will collide!

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