Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Word of the day for me. It matters. Maybe more important than pragmatism? Do things in bites; bite-sized chunks. Remember your goal but focus on the near-term and task ahead. I'd rather do things small and incrementally (take baby steps and solve problems that are "bite-sized") than feel like I was eating an elephant. As long as we have enough time to break and breathe between bites of the elephant of life and our ambitions, we'll be fine. The elephant in fact is really the aggregation of all of the bites we are able to take of it. The elephant is fictitious to us and of a potentially infinite size. But don't make it so. Figure out how you can eat the elephant faster and more tastefully and who knows how many elephants you'll be able to eat!?

Sure, it's also great to have a vision and ambition and an appetite for eating lots of elephants and boiling many oceans, but you need to be able to (regardless of how large your challenge is…thank god you're not President of a nation or something ridiculous like that) do the next thing, take the next step, figure out what you CAN do next, successfully.

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