Saturday, March 31, 2012

My audience and what I'm best at. Setting goals.

What I really want to do is to help other people sell.  I want to be a sales and marketing coach.  I want to help people to deliver exactly what they say they will through motivation and the right systems and processes, methods and means.

I feel like I can best accomplish this by working with consulting firms who sell technology because that's what I do and have been doing for so many years.

I'm good at technology and changing organizations and it's what I do best.  I want to help other people and organizations do the same and I want to do it in a very public way.

I can influence other companies to follow my lead and do what I do or what I recommend doing.  I want to lead and coach and influence others through my intelligence and ability to create results and spread the word about the good that I'm doing and the influence that I'm having.

It's probably a tall order but it's what I want to do.

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