Friday, January 22, 2010

How I Update My Blog, Twitter, and Facebook

I generally assume that I'm going to blog everything (since I'm generally a long winded person and you never know how deep and long-winded a thought is!). I open up a new Word doc as my blog and start writing. If I determine it's just a short statement (or better as a short statement/point), I'll Tweet and/or Facebook update it. I generally tweet nerdy things to Twitter and other silly musings to Facebook; this may change over time but my Facebook is "friends" and my Twitter is more business-minded. If what I'm writing is long, I'll try to write it all out. If it's short enough and concise enough, and what I think to be interesting and/or pertinent enough and that I want to publish it, I'll post it to my blog. If it's too long or boring, or in concise or rambling (like this post? J), I save it, possibly to return to it later (write a book?) or simply round-file it.
It's nice to have these different online communities and audiences and communication modalities of micro-Blogging and real blogging for sharing your thoughts.

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