Thursday, September 09, 2010

The cake and the icing

Consumers *will not* purchase products for one of just a few reasons:

  1. There's too much icing and not enough cake (relative imbalance of features)
  2. There's not enough cake (not enough value)
  3. There's not enough icing (it's boring)

Consumers *will* purchase products for one of just a few reasons:

  1. There's enough icing and cake (relative balance of features, the holy grail)
  2. There's enough cake (enough value)
  3. There's enough icing (it's exciting)
  4. There's a lot of icing (it's really exciting)

All the features and attributes in a product have to be about value INTERNALLY to the producer, but some of those features have to be about excitement and frivolities externally (gotta make that icing and excite the customer!!!). All of this requires work in the end, but some of it is fun and about sales and the customer. Maybe all of it should be fun!!!

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