Thursday, December 23, 2010

The sexy parts of project management

It's not the work, it's the people, results, client, technologies, and knowledge.

Much project management today is focused on the BORING (and hard) part of project management: the work. The work is fine, it's hard, it's there, it's complicated, but it really doesn't matter if you can't market your WORK PRODUCT. Your work product is your results; what you accomplished, what you produced, what you changed, learned, did. It's the end and the journey.

My proposal is for a new view of project management that is MARKETING focused. I want to think about and share the SEXY parts of project management like the people and how smart they are, the client and how cool it is, the industry and how interesting it is, the technologies and how cutting-edge/cool they are, and the results and how awesome and game-changing they are.

There's a way to do this and I want to start the wheels in motion on it ASAP.

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