Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The project database that you want

I wrote yesterday about Project Metadata. There should be more of it. I had a conversation with a friend last night about the need for a tool that supports the "quoting" process for projects. I agree. But there are *so many* other examples of tools that projects need. It's endless, really. From the perspective of MARKETING projects, though, there really are a finite set of things that have to be called out. Many companies have different approaches to this and I would argue they do a completely incomplete job of this and leave customers wondering, waiting, confused.

Let's move past this and get to the age of MATURE project management practices. I would argue that we can't do this without leadership in marketing (it can't be grass-roots / bottom up. Or can it?).

I propose the following schema to be created and supported so we can have an analyzable cube / database of projects for our industries, people, technologies, etc. Having clear insight into these aspects of projects is *the thing* we need in my opinion. LinkedIn just isn't doing it.

The projects should also list:

The applications for such a database are many-fold: marketing, recruiting, business intelligence, process improvement, knowledge sharing, community.

Let's get this started today.

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