Monday, June 04, 2012

Work styles: Disruptive, collaborative, or both?

Pick your poison.  But why not do both in harmony?
Our work styles can be seen as disruptive (creating major change without regard to the current situation), collaborative (partnering deeply with peers to get things done), or a mixture of both.

Disruptive.  The disruptive style is cool and exciting.  It's about innovation and major change.  When I was in 8th Grade, when asked what I wanted to do when I grew up, I told my teacher, Mrs. Moore, that I wanted to either be a heavy equipment operator or a brain surgeon.  She laughed and asked me if I realized as she did that those two fields were markedly different.  I did not and I responded, "I really want to change things dramatically."  I suppose both on macro (bulldozer) and micro (brain) scales.  This still holds true to me.

Collaborative.  The collaborative work style is a really critical, key and important one that I have had to learn over the years.  As an aggressive person who wants to change things drastically I've learned that I have to collaborate and partner with others to get things done.  Leading without followers is not possible.  Sometimes I have to take the back seat and let others drive.

Having both of these capabilities as a disruptive, innovative person and a collaborative person provides balance and synergy between two forces.  Both are good for change but together they provide a pace that is realistic,  sustainable, and powerful.

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