Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Policy statements for a lean startup

  1. One fair and shared process.
  2.  We have a process that we all share as a team and company and continuously discuss and improve.  
  3. Metric- and performance-driven.  We define how we measure our business (KPIs and metrics)
  4. Targets.  We set business goals
  5. Contexts.  We know what our business drivers are in any given context or situation
  6. Customers first.  We know the key dissatisfiers (and satisfiers) of our customers and make sure we act to remove those problems post haste
  7. Clear, shared vision.  We set and manage to milestones so that we can share direction and vision with everyone
  8. Detail-oriented.  We're clear on what we do and write things using SMART goals and language
  9. Clear communications and commitments.  We do what we say and say what we do
  10. Smart and thoughtful.  We are good at analysis and problem solving
  11. Dynamic and creative.  We "strategically plan" (possibly digress) when necessary in search of shared consensus and vision but we do not get overly distracted
  12. Analysis and direction-setting together.  We review and agree on the best course of action from a set of options for any given problem or opportunity we face
  13. Document everything.  We document almost everything for the purposes of clarity, record-keeping, transparency, and collective knowledge
  14. Delivery excellence.  We deliver what we promised on time and to quality standards or we tell the people to whom we're committed that we won't be able to make it and we set other expectations.
  15. Work breakdown clarity.  We define very clear project milestones and deliverables, we break deliverables down into tasks and assign them to the right resources
  16. Growing.  We go and get more resources if we need them
  17. One team.  We recognize when we get distracted on hard projects that require new resources and come back together to get focused again
  18. Total accountability and responsibility of all personnel.  We are a "test-driven" organization, meaning that we think in terms of "how we would know" that something were true or false.  We make no assumptions but if we do have to, we IMMEDIATELY test them. 

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