Saturday, November 27, 2010

My current projects

I've been staying really busy lately with quite a few side projects. Right now I have three side projects: my consulting company brand/web site/ strategy, my Visualize Everything idea, and a project I'm doing with some guys called SnoVision.

My consulting company, EfficiTrends' web site is I worked with a writer and a web designer about two years ago to put the site up. It was built with old (classic ASP) technology and the way the guy built the CSS structure confused me; it's way too complicated and not very reusable. But it served its basic purpose of being something I could point people to. What I've been doing on that site now is building a SQL Server back end and porting the site over to ASP.NET MVC v3.0 and I am using the Razor View Engine. I have been really happy with the progress and like what I've done. I'm using Scott Hanselman's "BIN deploy" method to get my site published to my host, My goal for the site is to make it more dynamic and to list my past and current projects within it. I would like the site to be a comprehensive view of my capabilities as a web developer and I would also like to use it as the hub of my consulting work. There's a lot of work to do here and I'm having fun with it.

My second big project right now is, my online printing/t-shirt creation web site that is based on popular or community-contributed phrases. I've been working with an intern, Raheleh, on the site and she has been a great help. The one trick with that is I have to get the domain name bound to my home server and I also want to hook up web security.

My third project is helping a team of guys with their Feral Motion project. Feral Motion and their project SnoVision is a technology to automatically record and upload video of action sports athletes as they use "features" (jumps, etc. in a skate park or mountain terrain park). The technology is really cool. I've written some good code that uploads videos to Viddler and stores metadata in a MySQL database.

So I've been quite busy, FYI!

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