Monday, March 22, 2010

Solving a Problem can be Disappointing

I was on the phone with the Hewlett-Packard Customer Support line this morning and (without the agent's help) figured out the solution to the problem I had called about. When I announced the solution, the customer service rep said, "You sound disappointed that you solved your problem." And I answered, "Yes, I do." (It shouldn't have been the case, I don't think that *I*--rather than *he*--had figured out my problem.)

I would add to this that there are other problems that when solved, there is no real "EUREKA" moment. As they say, "Huh" is a better discovery than Eureka. The truly big shifts do not occur via some drastic "explosion" of change, but rather a new realization or perspective that can be as small as "huh", or "that sucks".

An example of this is working on a computer bug that when you solve it you have tried so many things that cause so much time and pain that when you finally do solve the thing and make it work you are simply disappointed that it was THAT HARD. Such is life.

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