Sunday, December 28, 2008

How to Continuously Improve

Deming tells us to plan, do, check, then act. Is that all there is to it? Yes. But it's not that easy for a lot of people to do this. Why?

In more detail, here's the algorithm I use:
  1. Plan a project or action based on your conversations with powerful and legitimate stakeholders.
  2. Do the project or action according to plan. Do not deviate. Almost always there will be a gap between what was expected and what actually happened.
  3. Check how big this gap is. Get feedback from the stakeholders. Note what to keep doing, stop doing, and start doing for next time. Make a plan to support what you want to keep, stop what isn't necessary, and start what's required.
  4. Act on the plan.
Does this work for you? How do you modify this or do it differently? How does technology affect this? What tools do you use to support this process? Is there a different process? What is the hardest part about this? What makes this process break?

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