Saturday, November 28, 2009

6 Ways I'll Make a Better Professional Blog

I recently wrote a blog post (here) that I shared with several people.  Some liked it and were "with me" yet others wrote somewhat lengthy feedback about how I needed to improve my delivery method.  They were commenting more on my style more than the content.  So I guess I'll focus on style for the moment. 

Here's what I'm going to do about it.  I hope you'll take what I'm  learning and apply it to your own experiences writing, blogging, and career management. 

Thanks to Don L. and John S. for their feedback and insight.

How I'll Offer More Quality Content to My Audience:

  1. I'll get to know my audience better and understand their needs and desires in order to offer more relevant information and conversation about the topics that interest me most. 
  2. I'll be more clear about my point and ramble less.  I'll try to capture the audience's attention ASAP, get to the point and get out the information that I'm trying to convey as compactly and rapidly as possible.  Maybe I'll use more graphics (see this post).
  3. I'll be more precise and specific and cite references more. I'll read more as an input.
  4. I'll have a call to action if possible, directing my audience to next steps, further reading, engagement, etc.
  5. I'll build a community and drum up input from them on my delivery and content (effectiveness).  
  6. I'll tell more people how to sign up for my blog and think of other methods of reaching my audience (podcast, email, speaking engagements, etc.)
My overall goal online here and professionally is to create a dialog and debate with my audience about topics that matter a great deal to me.  I'm trying to learn and help my audience as much as I can with insight that matters to them.  I'm seeking insight from them on the topics that matter most to me and also looking for feedback on delivering the best way possible.  Thanks for your patience and participation in this process.

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