Friday, August 26, 2011

The method and the methodology

50znbreuA method is nice.  You want it.  It’s an answer to a problem or opportunity.  But it’s not enough.

People seeking to establish *the* method; being the expert/boss/authority in an area must also continuously improve their method at scale and for that reason must think of and create the methodology; the business behind the method.

Merriam Webster defines methodology as “a body of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline”.  And they define a discipline as “a field of study”.

Gaining focus in your field of study is critical, and difficult.  Finding your niche, essential.  But once you’ve done this and you’re really great at something, you have to figure out how to sell and market that thing.  This is the methodology part.

Going from one method of excellence to a set of excellent methods (methodology) requires other personalities and skills.  The entrepreneur or artist must bring to bear others into the context of the business.  Customer inputs are also required.

Going from method to methodology is a lifelong process.

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