As a project manager on a single project, I will not go as far as writing the code. It is too much to manage the project and to be on the hook for producing the product, you have to separate these concerns! I must manage the project only and employ others to do the main work.
When someone else is the project manager on a project, I am happy to plug in and write code / do work / take direction. Great.
In my opinion, in organizations, people need to own things and they cannot own both the project/business side AND the code/delivery side AT THE SAME TIME (for a single project/account).
I do think it is possible, however, to be both a project manager/owner on one project while simultaneously developing code on ANOTHER project as a team-member (non-manager). I think this is an ideal situation to me, where I can do both. I get to play with technology and be a developer/producer, and also be a manager. I can improve skills at both at once. No need to pick, it's not one-sided!