Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Product Manager, Business Analyst, and Solution Architect Roles: They’re All the Same

In my opinion a Business Analyst is someone who "gets it". I would say the same for a Solution Architect and Product Manager. They understand technology and programming well enough to determine the solution with the customer. They also know and understand business well enough to think through what's practical, pragmatic, attractive, and scalable from a business perspective. They are smart enough to work with developers and engineers to explain the solution requirements and do some translation.

Contrast the business analyst type person with a database person (what are their skills other than they can write SQL and work with databases?), and with a user interface specialist (who knows how to make a pretty user interface but who cares?).

Where's the process person in all of this? Who's the person that cares about the system and customer more than they care about a particular technology or capability?

In business in the end it's all about making kick ass products and services that people love; it's about engaging and possibly entertaining people. Loving one side of things (business, technology, user interface, design, etc.) too much is short-sighted. Focus on the customer, the market, and how to make as many people as happy as possible; and forget about yourself in the process.

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