Wednesday, January 04, 2012

The role of the non-technical software developer

I'll admit it.  I'm technical.  I am probably REALLY technical, but I am no longer a great software engineering.  I *know*--for a fact--that I alone do not have the talents and aptitudes required to make the software product myself: it's too complex!!  But...I *do*...on the other hand...have the talent, aptitude, and abilities--I think--to make and implement software through teams and people.  I know how to create a vision for the customer, for the software product, I know how to *sell* it, I know how to convince people that they need it and need to implement it.  I know how to hire the technical resources, etc.  But I do all of these things in a very non-technical and human-friendly way.  I guess I'm a manager now, officially.  Although my business is software, it is just that: a business.  Software is not a technical function necessarily but many parts of it ie the engineering and delivery are...

I am looking forward to my new role with Bridge Partners Consulting where I will hopefully have a chance to act on this vision of implementing software through processes and then selling software through solutions and engineering.  Go team!!!

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